Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Drone Following #7: At last, a sensor

Good news, everyone! I finally managed to get my hands on an IMU. I know it's been a while, but also, I think the professor that was going to supply me with one gave up. Luckily, I managed to pick one up from Sparkfun's great Cyber Monday sale. Not only am I surprised that anyone had a Cyber Monday sale, but also, that they were selling decent goods at decent prices. I picked up a 9DOF IMU (LSM9DS0) normally valued at $30.00 for just $15.00.

I'm glad that it's on it's way, because it means I can continue work on this exciting project. However, there will also be a lot of configuring and reading to do. This presents a good opportunity to learn more in-depth about IMUs, Gyroscopes, Accelerometers, and Magnetometers. I may do a write up on Camera Eye about what all I've learned, so I can share it with other people. If you'd like to investigate more about this chip yourself, Sparkfun has a guide here

Anyways, as it stands, I'm currently wrestling with my last week of classes and finals, but I will be spending my winter break taking on projects like this one, and some other ones I have with friends, so stay posted!

P.S. Here's a video using the same chip for controlling a camera.

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